Still Crazy After All These Years

Celebrating 50 years on the Pathless Path with Osho.
A Playshop with Krishna Prem.
Live via Zoom 11 March 8.00-9.30 Pacific Time (17.00-18.30 Amsterdam Time).
Register here.

   Krishna Prem

Krishna Prem, like many of us, met Osho in a difficult moment in his life. When Osho showed his light in KP’s direction in ‘73, his life began to lighten up.
KP is not ready to declare his enlightenment, but he is willing to share his light, love and laughter with us… through stories of his life with Osho including starting Geetam Rajneesh Sannyas Ashram in California which was the biggest Osho Meditation Resort in the West until Osho himself came to America… up until right now when he feels like enjoying a cup of tea with us over Zoom.
KP is funny but he never is looking for a laugh unless it points to life… to Zen.
Osho famously said to KP: ‘If you want to know who you are, be a joke unto yourself. Do not take yourself so seriously.’

Who is Krishna Prem? Or KP as you may know him.
KP is an international teacher of Meditation with over 45 years of experience of leading Meditation workshops in the USA, Europe and India.
He was born in America and graduated from Boston University in the United States. Upon graduation, He managed the Ship Hotel in Shepperton England and from there he traveled East in 1973 where he met his teacher and friend Osho in India. He brought his passion for meditation back with him to California where he founded Geetam Ashram.
His philosophy is based on the fact that ‘Everything in life is noise but when you focus on meditation the noise turns into music’.

KP is well versed in Advaita Meditation. His teaching includes that ‘We are one existence appearing as two friends.’

If you are trying to reach yourself, a way is not possible.
There is no space, no distance.
You are already yourself, a way doesn’t exist.
That is why Zen is called the pathless path, the gateless gate.
The gate is not there, and this is the gate.
The pathless path- the path doesn’t exist,
and to understand this is the path. 

Osho: And the Grass Grows by Itself