Osho on sexuality

In this contribution titled ‘Osho on heterosexuality, homosexuality and the transcendence of both’ a number of texts from Osho’s discourses on this subject are presented. It makes clear how Osho approaches the many facets of human sexuality. Translated by Kaiyum from a Dutch research done by Nandan Bosma in association with Satyamo Uyldert. 


1. Jesus in action.
2. Similarities between Jesus and Osho.
3. The crucifixion of Enlightened Masters.
4. ‘Sex Guru.’
5. Spirituality.
6. If something happens, good. If nothing happens, far out!
7. Human sexuality.
A. An energetic ladder
1. The autosexual phase.
2. The homosexual phase.
3. The heterosexual phase.
3.1. Bisexuality.
3.2. Oh, my God, there go my Sundays!
3.3. The difference between friendship and love.
3.4. A complete circle.
4. The transcendental phase.
4.1. Sex and meditation.
4.2. Desire that vanishes.
4.3. Natural celibacy.
4.4. Beyond sex: Brahmacharya.
4.5. Transcendence is not a natural phenomenon.
4.6. The goal is Brahmacharya.
4.7. Osho and the world of sex.
B. More about homosexuality
1. Animals have a fixed program.
2. Humans don’t have a fixed program.
3. Ancient conditioning.
4. A human zoo.
5. Dominance by men.
6. No more arguments for condemning homosexuality.
7. Homosexuality: a good way to restrict the growth of the world’s population.
8. Nothing wrong with being gay.
9. Perverse: a neutral word for everything that moves away from the mainstream.
10. Victim of ancient conditioning.
11. Gay marriage.
C. Difficulty with homosexuality
1. General principles.
2. Individual cases.
2.1. I am gay, Catholic and stutter…
2.2. Gay? Good that you admit it!
2.3. Gay? You don’t have to admit it!
2.4. Gay? Find a woman!
2.5. Why do I hate gay people?
2.6. Remove all labels.
D. The ability to enter into relationships
1. Who can relate?
2. Don’t make a problem anywhere.
3. Intimate enemies.
4. Monogamy and polygamy.
4.1. The institution of marriage.
4.2. Monogamy is very boring.
4.3. If love does not bring freedom, it is not love.
4.4. Never let your freedom depend on others.
E. On the road to transcendence
1. Experiencing an orgasm, discovery of meditation.
2. Time stops…
3. Counteracting an orgasmic experience.
4. An energy phenomenon.
5. Spiritual growth.
6. Going from phase 1 to phase 4, including phase 2 and phase 3.
7. Stop being so unaware about sex…
8. But still: going directly to phase 4 through phase 1 and phase 2.

F. Changing from gay to straight?
1. Deep acceptance triggers its own dynamics.
2. Don’t shift your interest from men to women.
3. Does nothing change? Fine!
4. Do nothing! Meditate!

G. The arrival of AIDS 
1. Holy indignation.
2. ‘The mafia of the soul’.
3. The medical world.
4. The emergence of AIDS.
5. A perversion.
6. Off to Rome.
7. The HIV virus and Osho’s measures.
8. Segregation of AIDS patients.
9. Going underground.
10. Be totally absorbed in being perverted.
11. The alternative: meditate!
1. “Doubt everything I say.”
2. Discussion points.
2.1. The ‘crucifixion’.
2.2. Celibacy.
2.3. Crime against humanity.
2.4. The percentage of people born homosexual.
2.5. The use of the word ‘perversity’.
2.6. Segregation of gays.
2.7. No cure for AIDS.
2.8. University Osho Study Centres.
3. Final remark.

Osho’s discourses
1. Selected discourses.
2. Addresses.

1. Sex and love
1.1. Transformation of energy.
1.2. Unlimited sex?
1.3. What is sex? What is love?
1.4. Lack of love.
1.5. True celibacy.
2. Becoming really grown-up
starts with the sexual education of children
2.1. Sexuality and intelligence.
2.2. This is where meditation comes in.
2.3. A guide who has arrived at home.
3. Sexual energy and meditation:
a sacred experience
3.1. A special place.
3.2. The missionary posture: the worst posture in the whole world.
3.3. The valley orgasm.
3.4. The witnessing continues.
3.5. The combination of meditation and sexual energy.
3.6. Make Tantra known to the whole world.
4. Meditation through masturbation
4.1. Children and masturbation.
4.2. Teach children to handle their sexual energy.
4.3. Love and meditation.
4.4. Masturbation as an aid to meditation.
4.5. Plastic dolls resembling women, or resembling men for gays.
4.6. Preventing masturbation.
4.7. Meditation and masturbation.